Tacoma Friends Meeting is located at
2508 S. 39th St., Tacoma, WA 98409
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. – Chief Seattle, Suqwamish and Duwamish
Land Acknowledgment:
We gratefully honor and acknowledge that Tacoma Friends Meetinghouse rests on the traditional lands of the Puyallup People, who have lived on this land since the beginning of time. They are still here today, enriching Puget Sound communities with wisdom, knowledge, and generosity. The Puyallup People live, work, raise their children, take care of their community, practice their traditional ways, and speak the Twulshootseed language – just as their ancestors did.
Welcome and Inclusion:
Tacoma Friends Meeting is welcoming and inclusive of diverse people. In short, friend, you are welcome at Tacoma Friends Meeting.
To join us on Zoom:
The Zoom room opens at 9:30 am and remains open 30 minutes after the 2nd Hour activity as a way to provide space for welcoming newcomers, answering questions about the meeting/Quakers, and visiting among friends.
Please see the Announcements page for current announcements.
Please email tacomafriendsmeeting@gmail.com for more information.
What Happens in a Quaker Meeting for Worship?
We wait in silence for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, seeking the divine through the simplicity of unprogrammed worship.
A period of time is used to center into an inward stillness.
When we are moved to speak, we speak the truth as we understand it from the depths of our own experience.
Each message is followed with a period of silence so that each may take root.
When the vocal and silent ministry speak to the condition of those present, a profound sense of spiritual communion occurs that awes and delights.
Friends call this experience a “gathered meeting.”
Such meetings require both faith and practice.
For more information about what to expect, visit our Is Quakerism for You? page. It includes descriptions of our service and a short video.