About Quakers (Seriously)

Current and Historical Quaker Thought & Practice

American Friends Service Committee
Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy 
Quaker Earthcare Witness
Quakers & Economics – A Quaker view on economic justice
A Quaker View on Economics – How Quaker Testimonies inform an ideal economic model
Quaker Pamphlets  –  Pendle Hill pamphlets (1934-1993) – additional information for Pendle Hill can be accessed from this link: Voices of Friends  – “Online Outreach to the Wider Quaker Fellowship” sponsored by Friends World Committee for Consultation Section of the Americas
North Pacific Yearly Meeting 2018 Faith & Pracitice

Especially for Newcomers 

Religious Society of Friends– General information about Quakers Click Below to see an Introduction to Quakers

Introduction to Quakers
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