About Quakers (Short Version)

  • Are we Christians?  Generally speaking yes, though there are also some among us who consider themselves to be Buddhist, Jewish, Atheist, or Agnostic.  We do not require adherence to any specific articles of faith.  This is one of the aspects of Quakerism. Explore some of the links under About Quakers (Seriously).
  • Does our faith require us to take a vow of celibacy?  No. 
  • Do we wear hats like the guy on the Quaker Oats box?  No.
  • Are we required to dress a certain way?  No, but we do tend to avoid ostentatious dress.  And it’s true that you will find most of us wearing “sensible” shoes.
  • Do we use electricity? Yes.  
  • Do we only use horses and buggies? No.
  • Do we consider the Bible to be the inerrant word of God?  There is no single, definitive answer to this question.  Explore some of the links under About Quakers (Seriously).
  • Does anyone ever fall asleep in meeting for worship?  Occasionally. And some of us snore.  We seek a gathered meeting, but we don’t always get there.